St Aubyn Foundation

St Aubyn Estates has a long tradition of supporting locally based initiatives in West Cornwall, which make a difference in the community.  In recent times, this charitable programme has been channelled through the St Aubyn Foundation. The Foundation gives grants to charities and CICs in West Cornwall whose focus is: homelessness, domestic abuse, health research, culture, gardening and food.

The Foundation does not give grants or sponsorship to individuals, groups whose beneficiaries are not people or projects involving building renovation/repair.

Over the last five years, the trustees have given grants to 45 local organisations. Some of which are listed below.

Who we support

Core organisations

The Foundation provides ongoing support to a number of Cornish charities and community groups, including:

  • Mount’s Bay Pilot Gig Club
  • West Cornwall Women’s Aid
  • St Petrocs and Breadline Centre
  • Marazion Apollo Male Voice Choir
  • Marazion Cancer Shop – funding research in Cornwall

Major appeals

Over the past several decades, the Foundation has supported significant initiatives in Cornwall, including:

  • Cornwall Air Ambulance New Heli Appeal
  • Hall for Cornwall transformation project

Local charities

Local charities and CICs can apply to be supported for particular one-off projects or on a three-year giving programme. Recent grants have been made to:

  • Growing Links Community Garden, Gulval
  • Kesoberi CIC – open door youth club, Penzance and Newlyn
  • Chapel Street Music Group, Penzance
  • Cornwall Youth Choir
  • Chestnut Appeal for Men’s Health
  • Sundance Dance Co, St Just
  • International Musicians Seminar (IMS) outreach work in Cornish schools
  • The West Cornwall Primary School Book Festival

Learning and education

The team on St Michael’s Mount has enabled school groups and community groups from Cornwall and beyond to enjoy the Mount over many years.

To build on and strengthen these links and activities, an Education Officer for St Michael’s Mount and the Estate has been appointed. This role is funded by the Foundation. Click here for further info.